Conservation Information & Education Association
Mission: To to promote professionalism in public information, public education, and public participation activities related to fisheries and wildlife management in the region, to provide opportunities and channels for cooperative efforts, and to encourage self-improvement among the members.
Chair: Emily MacCabe, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife |
Federal Aid Coordinators
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Fish and Wildlife Health
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Fisheries Administrators Association
Mission: The Northeast Fisheries Administrators Association (NEFAA) was established to further the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ purpose of promoting the conservation and management of fishery resources by: establishing, monitoring, and providing operational guidelines to specialty groups as requested by the Directors; working cooperatively for the development of realistic and utilitarian objectives for those specialty groups; discussing and taking appropriate action with respect to concerns and opportunities addressed by the specialty groups; serving as a technical review liaison between specialty groups and the Directors; recommending the establishment or dissolution of specialty groups as may be desired by NEFAA; providing counsel to the Directors on fisheries issues and accomplish other tasks as assigned by the Directors; and providing an opportunity to exchange ideas, methods, and approaches to administrative and operational issues and opportunities.
Chair: Steve Hurst, New York Division of Fish and Wildlife |
Landscape Wildlife Conservation
Mission: Provide leadership and direction from the NEAFWA Directors and leadership within the Northeast Region of the FWS on efforts related to large-scale landscape conservation needs and opportunities, including the development and coordination of shared priorities and interjurisdictional efforts.
Chair: Paul Johansen, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources Co-Chair: Kyla Hastie, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Legal Committee
Mission: The Legal Committee is responsible for advising the NEAFWA Directors and making recommendations on legal matters and issues which may affect the ability of member states1 and provinces to fulfill their management responsibilities. The Committee shall coordinate with other NEAFWA committees to provide such legal information and perspective as may be beneficial to the accomplishment of those committees’ responsibilities.
Chair: Renae Kluk Kiehl, Esq., Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission |
Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation Committee
Mission: The R3 Committee was established to further NEAFWA’s interest in promoting participation in the lifelong pursuits of fishing, hunting, and recreational shooting by: facilitating effective communication and networking among member states and partners; directing resources towards regional trainings and workshops that help accomplish successful R3 efforts in the Northeast; and providing opportunities for committee members to better understand how to deliver effective programs to hunters, anglers, and recreational shooters within the NEAFWA region.
Chair: Coren Jagnow, Pennsylvania Game Commission |
Wildlife Administrators Association
Mission: The Northeast Wildlife Administrators Association (NEWAA) was established to further the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ purpose of promoting the conservation and management of wildlife resources by: directing and charging Technical Working Committees with results-driven and science-based management actions; developing actions, implementing recommendations, and advising the Directors of the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies on issues relating to wildlife policy and administration, funding opportunities, and research and management priorities; and providing opportunities for NEWAA members to collaborate and exchange information on matters relating to wildlife conservation and management within the Northeast region.
Chair: Rick Jacobson, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |